Monday, February 27, 2012

QR codes - easier than you think

QR codes (Quick Response Codes) are two-dimensional codes that can store huge amounts of data. They are somewhat like the product bar codes we are all used to seeing on our purchases. The scanning app needed to read the codes can be downloaded for free from the following website: suggested by Annette as one of the more user-friendly versions available. 

Having used the site myself this morning to create a QR for BookCloud in only a few seconds (see above), I can vouch for its ease of use.  If you're interested in experimenting with new FREE apps, especially those with smartphones or the new iPad 2 and netbooks, visit the e-Support wiki.

Why not set your class the task of creating QR codes for pictures of French icons (e.g. the Eiffel tower, baguette - yes, I know, cliched but you get the point!) that you might already have pinned up around the room. The students could write information or conversation about their designated image using the text option at the QR website, create the code, then save the object to their French folder.  They then print the QR code out and glue it onto the poster.

If your interested, come and speak to me or Annette about an idea you have.

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